Chapter 1 Hello world

We will start by showing you what is possible at the end of the class and running a reasonably complex visualization code in your environment. The goal of this Hello world part is not to make you understand every bit of the code but instead to make you hungry for more. We aim for you to code such a visualization from scratch at the end of our course. To reach that goal, we will — step by step — introduce you to the most relevant facets of Data Science with R and the Tidyverse.

The Posit Cloud (formerly RStudio Cloud) workspace containing the application exercises is here. If you haven’t already registered for Posit Cloud and joined the workspace, please do so now. Be sure to register through the link sent to you via e-mail since we purchased a Posit Cloud premium version for this course.

1.1 Slides, application exercises, and references

Unit 1 - Deck 1: Welcome

Your first data visualization: UN Votes

Please open your Posit Cloud for this exercise.

Unit 1 - Deck 2: Meet the toolkit — Programming

The Bechdel Test + R Markdown

Please open your Posit Cloud for this exercise.

The exercise uses data from this FiveThirtyEight story on the Bechdel Test.

Hickey, W. (2014, April 1): The Dollar-And-Cents Case Against Hollywood’s Exclusion of Women,