Chapter 5 Models

In this part, we will introduce you to the tidyverse-way of modeling. We will not cover the mechanics of individual statistical models but scratch the surface of a very intuitive way of coding up your models in R. You might have come across the standard way of coding up a linear regression in R — the function lm(). Instead of using lm(), we introduce you to the tidy way of linear regressions in R through the tidymodels package. This approach builds on the tidy approach to data visualization and data wrangling.

We will not go through all slides during the lecture — the main focus lies on the tidy way of modeling and not the actual statistics behind it. If you want to refresh your knowledge on linear regressions, feel free to read through the remaining slides we cannot cover in the course.

5.1 Slides, application exercises, and references

Unit 4 - Deck 2: Fitting and interpreting models

5.1.1 Additional material not covered in class

We will not cover this unit due to time constraints. If you want to refresh your knowledge of regressions, feel free to study the slides on your own.

Unit 4 - Deck 1: The language of models

Unit 4 - Deck 3: Modelling nonlinear relationships